The MACO-GT (Molécules Astrophysiques à COuche ouverte et de Grande Taille) project is part of a long-term collaboration with astrophysicists and concerns the laboratory spectroscopy of large radicals. Among all the molecules detected in the interstellar medium, very few radical species containing more than 5 atoms have been identified. This lack of detection is due to the lack of high-resolution laboratory spectroscopic data for these species. Thanks to a technique for producing radicals based on the reaction between a parent molecule and atomic fluorine, we propose to record their spectra at high resolution, from the millimeter-wave to the infrared region, and to develop theoretical approaches for their modeling.
This project, whose PI is Laurent Coudert from ISMO, is supported by a public grant from the Laboratoire d’Excellence Physics Atoms Light Mater (LabEx PALM) overseen by the French National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the Investissements d’Avenir program (ANR-10-LABX-0039-PALM).