Detecting a temporal variation of the fundamental constants would challenge the standard model. Molecular absorption spectra are considered excellent probes to reveal such a variation. Some transition frequencies are expected to be shifted up or down in frequency when energy levels are very close together. These predictions are based on spectroscopic data that are still too imprecise. This is why the METEORIT project aims at acquiring and analyzing the spectra of candidate molecules with an unprecedented accuracy and precision. For this purpose, an innovative THz spectrometer covering continuously the range 0 to 5 THz will be built and intensively exploited. We will thus lay a solid foundation for the search for new physics using molecular spectrometry.

Project partners:

This project is supported by a public grant from the French National Research Agency (ANR-22-CE30-0036).

Olivier Pirali
Olivier Pirali
Director of Research

My research interests includes high resolution molecular spectroscopy, laboratory astrophysics, and THz generation.

Marie-Aline Martin-Drumel
Marie-Aline Martin-Drumel

My research interests focus on molecular spectroscopy of stable molecules and reactive species, and its applications for astrophysics and physical-chemistry.